Admissions Criteria & Policy

Admissions Criteria

DWC will admit students in line with the school’s philosophy and professional discretion of the Principal.

Students seeking admission into Year 7 at the start of a school year in September must reach the age of 11 years by the 30th September in that same year.

Similarly, students seeking admission into Year 8, 9 and 10 at the start of a school year in September must reach the age of 12, 13 and 14 years respectively by the 30th  September of the year of entry.

Admissions Policy

Day Waterman College (DWC) is a selective school, in terms of seeking students with sound academic ability as well as strengths in the areas of sports and the arts.

DWC offers a broad, rigorous programme and is looking for evidence of a student’s preparation to succeed at DWC, paying particular attention to:

  • Enthusiasm, curiosity & a passion for learning
  • Intellect, evidenced by a history of academic success
  • Ability to fit into a boarding environment
  • Well-disciplined, social, and respectful
  • Ability in sports or the arts
  • Leadership potential

For more information about DWC Admissions please contact the Admissions Officer @  or via phone on 08166057312